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5 Km Run

Hey Vic City,

Another great turnout for "Push Week" Tuesday, as we completed the Vic City Total! However, that is to be expected as lifting weights is usually a favourite to many CrossFitters. We have a big change of pace for Wednesday's WOD - it's a 5K run.

There are probably a few people thinking about cherry picking this WOD (aka avoiding it because they don't feel like doing it). I'll give a few reasons why you should NOT skip this WOD.

1. It is "Push Week" with the goal being to challenge ourselves and push the intensity and volume above our regular week. By intentionally skipping this WOD, we are setting ourselves up for a regular training week.

2. Prove that as CrossFitters we can do more than lift weights. We had an opportunity to smash weights, and regardless of the outcome, we have the chance to show that we are more than a one-trick pony. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses in certain workouts, so let's give credit where credit is due, if you beat your buddy on the Vic City Total, give them a chance to get you back on an endurance event. If you get them in both, all the more power to you!

3. When it comes to the most elite of CrossFitters, the Games athletes, they have to extremely well rounded to be on top. When thinking of the top competitors, you might consider them to the strongest of the bunch. However, against what I assumed, but based on the official leaderboard, over the past three years, athletes that finished in the top 10 overall, performed better, on average, in running workouts vs. maximal lifts, compared to their competitors.

Examples - In 2015, the winner, Katrin Davidsdottir was 5th in "Midline Madness" which included over 2.4 Km of running, while only 10th in the max Clean and Jerk. Tia Toomey, 2nd place that year, was 6th and 15th, respectively, in those two events. Even on the men's side, Mat Fraser took 2nd in "Midline Madness" and 4th in the Clean and Jerk.

Looking even more recently, 2017, the top 4 men's 1 RM Snatch were recored by Garret Fisher 1st in the snatch - 14th overall, Tommy Vinas 2nd in the snatch - 33rd overall, and EZ Muhammad 4th in the snatch - 36th overall. Brent Fikowski was 3rd in the snatch and 2nd overall, but he was also 1st, by a long shot, in RUN-swim-RUN. This indicates that top lifting numbers doesn't always prove to land us at the top of the leaderboard after a well-rounded test of fitness.

In 2016, Mat Fraser won his first CrossFit Games, he also won the 7 Km trail run, it was the only event he won that year.

The bottom line, the best of the best lift heavy and run fast. Tuesday we lifted heavy, Wednesday we run fast!

See you in class!


Don't worry, this won't be the running route for our run.


Training Wednesday

Push Week - Day 3

Warm-Up: Alternating EMOM - 40 double unders or 60 singles, 15 russian KBS, 10 samson lunge w/ 2 second stretch x3 rounds each then 400m jog, once

WOD: "Run"

Rx: 5 Km run

Scaled: 3 Km run

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