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CrossFit Podcast

Hey Vic City,

I've been enjoying a bunch of good podcasts recently. The Ben Bergeron (coach of Katrin Davidsdottir) podcasts are short and to the point, and really get you thinking about CrossFit and many other aspects of life. Barbell Shrugged and the Julie Foucher podcasts are also popular in the CrossFit community. Did you know that CrossFit has actually started their own podcast? It's about 3 weeks old now, and a bit longer in length than others but they get some good content from top CrossFit athletes and others associated with the CrossFit brand. These have a good amount of humour and get some answers to tough questions.

The Mat Fraser episode was great! In the podcast, Mat talked about how he might be moving to Cookville, TN (home of Rich Froning) and the reasons behind it.

Anyways, if you are tired of listening to the radio on your commute to work, download and throw on a podcast. Have some downtime at home, many podcasts can be viewed on YouTube.

Here is the Mat Fraser CrossFit podcast.




Training Wednesday - Thursday

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 6 to 10 pushups, 10 double crunch, 30 single skips

WOD: Quadratus

Get in a team of 3 for this wod. One person goes through the row and wallballs then tags the next person. Your group's total time is your score!

*40 min time cap*

Rx: 5 rounds each team member - 200m row and 20 wallballs (14/20)

FG: Scale wallball weight

TG: 10 wallballs per round

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