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New Coach Profile - Kyle

Our last addition to the coaching staff is Kyle. Kyle has been with us for sometime now and has begun to coach some classes in the evening and has been starting to compete in some Crossfit competitons as well.

Welcome Kyle!

Athletic Background: Grade 9 Basketball, Grade 11 & 12 Rugby

Month and Year you started CrossFit:

May 2012

What first got you into CrossFit: A colleague kept hounding me to try this functional fitness thing he was doing. I thought he was just one of those middle-aged guys that did something like Zumba. To humor him, I went and tried it out; Fell in love with it after the first workout.

First WOD: I can’t remember, but first benchmark was “Annie.”

Favorite Movement: Deadlift, Pull-ups, Muscle-ups, Handstand Walking, Box Jumps

Least Favorite Movement: Thrusters, Overhead Squats, Assault Bike, Pistols

My athletic background:

Favorite WOD: To many good ones to choose from

What do you get out of CrossFit: It has measurable components and you can see improvements very quickly, even if they are minute. A COMMUNITY that is encouraging and supportive!

Advice for CrossFit newbies: Take the time to practice the foundations. Warm-up and cooling down can be just as important as the WOD.

Credentials: CrossFit L1 Trainer – CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer




Partner Shuttle/Plank

1 partner shuttle, other partner plank for duration of shuttle

Each Partner completes 1,2,3,4,5 Laps


On a Running Clock (36mins)....

Power Clean 5,4,3,2,1 (12mins)

Weighted Strict Pullups 5,4,3,2,1 (12mins)

Strict Press 5,4,3,2,1 (12mins)

*Keep track of heaviest 3,2,and 1 rep maxes for each movement

*Add all scores together for one big number!

Scaling: Assisted Strict pullups, minimizing assistance each round

*Assisted pullups will be scored as -10 for any band used and a "Zero" for just Body Weight pullup

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