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Coach Sara, Squat 101

*REMINDER VIC CITY GARAGE SALE this Saturday the 17th 1-3pm at the gym!!! Cash or Credit Card accepted.*

This week we have a guest blog from Coach Sara. Sara has vast knowledge of the human body and how it can be applied to functional movement that we see in the gym and in everyday life. Read her blog below on the reasons why we all should be able to squat below parallel no matter our body type.

Why Do I Need to Squat Below Parallel? Sara Long, Coach & RMT

I get this question all the time from athletes:

-is it necessary to always squat below parallel?

-Isn’t it bad for my knees?

These are all valid questions, that is why I want to break it down for you! When it comes down to it, a squat is a functional movement, so first we need to define what a functional movement is!

A functional movement is: - Any movement that brings multiple joints through their full range of motion

- Have the purpose to relate to natural and normal, everyday actions.

- They are performed from core to extremity

- They are efficient

For example, a squat is a functional movement as it helps us to sit and to stand on various objects and get up from the floor. Functional movements are also used to help our bodies prepare to be in the extremes of a position when unexpected, for example when falling.

Attached is an article written by Aaron Horschig (PT) of Squat University that takes you through the history and mechanics of squatting below parallel! knees/

An interesting little tidbit from this article: studies have shown that elite level powerlifters and weightlifters (who squat below parallel pretty much daily) have healthier knees when compared to our everyday individual.

So why is it important to squat below parallel? 1. Maintain the full range capacity and health of multiple joints

2. Increased knee stability: Enhanced use of the ‘posterior chain’ (hamstrings and glutes) during the squat

3. Injury prevention

4. Building strength of bones, muscles, and other connective tissues

And the list could go on!

When we meet the movement standards of squatting below parallel, we are achieving the desired stimulus of that movement - by maintaining the stimulus with every repetition, overtime we achieve our desired results. With every movement, there will always be some considerations like anatomy, present joint health and capacity, and so many others. If you have anatomical differences, for example osteoarthritis, ask your coach to show you an appropriate scaling option so that you can maintain the appropriate full range stimulus that works for your body.

My anatomy is different than yours, so my squat may look a little different. But, when it comes down to it, everyone should be able to complete a full range of motion, full depth squat. We do it naturally as babies, so why not now!

Here are a few good resources if your curious in learning more about the squat!

Squat University - Aaron Horshig, PT The Movement Fix - Ryan DeBell, DC

Explain Pain - David Butler, PT, EdD Becoming a Supple Leopard / Mobility WOD - Kelley Starrett, PT




4 rounds

12 KB Swings

8 Samson Lunge (4R/4L)

30-45sec Front Plank

WOD: "BCAAs" (last done July 30th, 2018)

Not only the acronym for Branched Chain Amino Acids, BCAAs in this case refers to the order of the movements you'll experience as you go through this challenge!

Scale the barbell so that you can move quickly through in 2 sets for the cleans in most rounds.

*12 minute time cap**

Rx: 3 rounds for time:

5 bar hop burpees

10 power cleans (95/135)

10/15 calorie Assault bike

20 air squats

FG2: bar weight 65-75/95-115

FG1: regular burpees, scale power clean as needed

TG: Scale as needed

CP: 105/155


With partner, 1 work 1 rest:

1 Gym lap (rig to rig) Double DB/KB Farmer Carry AHAP

Each partner does 6-8 rounds

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