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Intramural Open Team Signup!

Hey all, some more details about signing up for your Intramural team for our in-house friendly competition!

Two steps, no particular order!!

Sign up at for the CrossFit Open!

Sign up in the gym for one of our four intramural teams!

That's it... more details in the short video below. Really fun way to get on a team and lots of categories to contribute to your team's performance.

See you on the leaderboard!




WARM UP: 3 rounds - 8 pushups, 10 lunges, 12 double crunch

WOD: Teams of 3

PART 1 - strength - 12 min to get a best effort in the following complex: 3 hang power cleans, 2 shoulder to overheads.

1 person lifting at a time, can have two bars if a mixed team of men and women!

4 minute warm up prior (can add weights)

PART 2 - 22 minute AMRAP - Relay format with ascending reps:

Rx: 5 cal row, 5 hspu then 7 cal row + 7 hspu, then 9&9, then 11&11.

FG2: scaled ROM hspu

FG1: HR pushups (knees or toes)

CP: strict hspu

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