It's Open Eve!
Tis the night before the Open
And all through the town
People are freaking out
About what's going to go down
Burpees, kettlebells,
Box jumps and more
Only crazy Dave Castro
Knows what's in store
The first wod is tomorrow
So we're feeling some stress
With your prior experience
What's your best 20.1 guess?
Who knows what's going to come tomorrow, but either way, we're ready! It's been a great leadup of training through September up to this point and I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys are capable of.
Check out the video below on what historically has happened for the first workout of the Open. The workout will be announced at 5pm tomorrow night.
What is your best guess?
PS. Don't forget to REGISTER and then also sign up for an intramural team in the gym!!
WARMUP: 10-20-30 reps of jumping jacks or single skips and 5-10-15 of American KB swings
WOD: Choice!
If you're taking on the Open wod on Friday, best option is to rest Thursday or do the aerobic work at an easier intensity. If you're going to do the Open on Saturday then feel free to push the training today then rest Friday.
A. Front Squat 8 x 2 @ 70-75% E90s (i.e. should be smooth and perfect tech).
B1. DB Bench Press 5 x 10-8-6-6-6 reps
alternated E90s with
B2. Weighted Pullups 5 x 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 work up to heavy single.
Rotate through for 3-4 sets: 8-12 ring or DB rows, 8-12 reverse hypers on GHD, 8-12 band triceps pressdowns
Aerobic: Bike or row - 1 min steady, 1 min rest, 45 moderate, 1:15 rest, 30 hard, 1:30 rest, 15s max effort, 1:45 rest.
3-4 sets total (24-32 minutes), start next round right after your 1:45 rest