NEW Lifestyles Classes/Membership
As many of you have heard we have a new membership and class starting next week called Lifestyles!
This will be a new program and open to all levels of fitness so if you know anyone wanting to give Crossfit a try please have them watch this video and shoot us an email or check out our website!
Have a great weekend!
WARMUP: 6 deadlifts, 4 hang squat cleans, 2 press per side in split lunge position (i.e. 2 presses with right foot forward, 2 presses with left foot forward).
Use a light bar, 3-4 rounds, 5 min cap. Rest as needed between rounds.
SKILL: Clean and Jerk Breakdown
Build slowly on both, be conservative with the first one, work on position. Be a bit more aggressive with the second sequence.
E90s for 5 rounds:
1 power clean, 1 front squat, 1 jerk
Right into E90s for 5 rounds:
1 full clean 1 jerk
WOD: Triple Header
Three separate scores, with a 5 min cap on each workout. Add unfinished reps as seconds on your time... i.e. if you had 7 reps left at time cap your score is 5:07.
3 rounds: 12/18 cal row, 9 thrusters (95/135)
Rest 5 min
3 rounds: 30 wallballs (14/20), 15 pullups
Rest 5 min
3 rounds: 7 burpees, 14 box jumps(20/24)
SCALING (for all wods):
FG3: 75/115
FG2: 65/95
FG1: scale wallballs, pullups, bar as needed.
CP1: 105/155, ctb pullups, last wod is 7 strict hspu and 14 pistols
CP2: 115/175, last wod is 7 strict deficit hspu (45/70) and 35/53 goblet pistols