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Murph Challenge Info!


May the 30th is rapidly approaching and I know many of you are "eagerly" anticipating the Murph Challenge! There are a few things up in the air regarding potential relaxing of the current guidelines for fitness, which will be updated on May 25th. So with that in mind, here is some PRELIMINARY info about how the day could pan out.

Regardless of restrictions, we will run the event on Sunday May 30th. Memorial Day in the US is the last Monday in May (this year the 31st), and thousands of CrossFitters worldwide will take on the Murph workout in some form over the weekend and the Monday. Our time frame to do the challenge will be from about 8am to 12/1pm.

Worst case scenario, if we are unable to hold "classes" still, we will provide a block of time for people to do Open Gym (i.e. do Murph on their own schedule). We would still like for anyone doing Rx to have a judge so if this scenario happens, we'll look to pair people up on the day.

An addition to the worst case is if we still have to wear masks inside the gym. If this is the case, you can run without the mask and do pushups and squats outside, then put the mask on to come inside for pullups (partitioned or unpartitioned).

Best case scenario is that we are able to run classes (i.e. heats) and will not need to wear masks inside. In this case, I'll release heat times for signing up. This would be awesome as it is so much better if there are others suffering along beside you! This will also make the day run much more smoothly.

We have 20lb vests to loan out if you want to wear one. I am unsure if we have 14lb vests anymore (likely not) but I have a connection for vests that will likely come through by the day of the challenge for ladies who want to go "Rx". Some members may also be willing to share some vests!

Scaling Options!

The Murph workout is daunting to say the least! It is a LOT of volume to deal with, even if you have been prepping pretty well. So check out the scaling options below so you can plan what you're going to do on the day!

Rx Murph Partitioned - the most popular "Rx" way to do the wod. 1 mile run, 20 rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats, then another 1 mile run. All while wearing a 14/20lb weight vest

Rx Murph Unpartitioned - as above but do all 100 pullups prior to 200 pushups prior to 300 squats. This is the most damaging way to do Murph so if you're not a super beast, steer clear of this

"Slick" Murph - Full volume, just without the vest!

Half Murph - 800m run, 10 rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats, then another 1 mile run. Can be done "slick" or with a vest

Partner Murph - Alternate 400m runs with your partner until you reach a mile combined (two runs each). Then alternate rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats with your partner until you've done 10 each. Then do another run. With vest or without.

You can of course do any of the above with jumping/banded pullups and pushups from the knees, so basically the Murph Challenge can be tailored to a variety of fitness levels.

The Run

We'll be running our miles on the Lochside trail. We will spray paint a turnaround (a big orange "8") at 800m heading along the trail towards Quadra st. The only tricky bit is getting to the Lochside trail, which involves heading South from the gym and ducking UNDER the highway overpass before descending down to the trail. When you are warming up on the day, check out this route to get familiar with it!

If you are running 400's or 800's, you can run those on our 200m loop route or the 400m out and back around the north end of our complex.

How to Register

We do registration by donation. The charity we donate to is called "Soldier On" and is an organization that supports veterans who have been injured in the line of duty. Soldier On provides help in terms of recreation and fitness activities for these veterans, which we all know is vital for mental and physical well being.

I have set up three donation amounts ($5, $10, $20) that you can find either below or in the members app. If you want to donate another amount, just register more than once with the different amounts available.

So get yourselves ready, only 10 more days or so to go until we honour Lt Murphy and current and past service men and women. Stay focused and do your best in terms of effort and rep quality on the day!



PLEASE NOTE SPECIAL LONG WEEKEND HOURS! Due to staff unavailability, there will be no Open Gym time on Saturday.





Build as you go, practice bailing on a lighter weight set. 5-5-3-3-1-1-1... up to your 1rm. Be honest with depth in your squat, keep the same ROM as you go up in weight!!


For 3-4 cycles through (18-24 min)

Work 1 min on, 1 min rest, going through the following pairings. For each pair, the Assault bike is the buy in, then amrap of the other movement in the remaining time!

8/5 Assault Bike Calories & Push-ups

Rest 1 min

8/5 Assault Bike Calories & Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

Rest 1 min

8/5 Assault Bike Calories & Air Squats

Rest 1 min

Scale movements as needed, calories should be done in under 30 sec each round!


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