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Neat and Tidy

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let everyone know we are doing a great job of keeping ourselves clean and all are doing a great job of spraying and wiping down equipment after use in classes.

I also wanted to remind everyone to not only continue the great process of cleaning equipment but also make sure we are leaving the gym with our personal square neat and tidy with minimal pieces laying all over the place.

A good rule is if you come into the gym with a neat n tidy square (specfically barbells and plates), return that square back to its original state. If you come in with a chaotic sqaure and plates are bars are all over the place, please put it back to a more orderly state when you leave.

Leave the gym and your square cleaner and tidier than how you found it.

Again we really thank you all for your efforts! This will help ensure quicker transitions between classes for our coaches and helps keep things in order for other non crossfit classes we have throughout the week.

Thank you all for all you do and see you all in the gym !

Coach G.




3 rounds

Empty Bar/Training bar/Dowel

8 Deadlifts

6 Hang power cleans

4 press or push press

2 inchworms


3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Split Jerk

Go Every 2mins

7 Rounds


10min AMRAP

Assault bike Cals

Strength Accessory

5 rounds of quality movement

10/10 single arm dumbbell rows

10/10 single leg dumbbell romanian deadlift

100ft Single Dumbbell Overhead carry (Switch hands Every 25ft)


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